
Bonnet de Fleur - Flowercap


Bonnet de Fleur - Flowercap

The Bonnet de Fleur or Flowercap is worked on a flower loom 4 cm and 8 cm.  After having connected all 13 flowers is knitted band is worked around with a crochet scalloped edge. I got the idea for the cap from Anna Sui and wanted to change the work a bit. I wrote a complete pattern with a crochet chart for the scallops and a flower scheme for arranging the flowers.

If you make it just in one color you can connet flower after flower. This is of course less work.


Size M

Head size: app 56 cm (22“)



Leftover yarns for 1 flower:


25 g mohair or angora yarn, about 275 m/25 g (300 yds/25 g)

10 g mixed quality yarn, about 180 m/50 g (196 yds/50 g)


Flower Loom,  tapestry needle


For the connection of the fowers and the knitted band:

50 g mixed quality yarn, about 150 m/50 g (164 yds/50 g)

Crochet hook, size 3

Circular needle, size 3, 40 cm long (15 ¾“)


Polyester thread

You will find the complete instruction with chart, fotos and flower scheme under this link:


Größe: M
Kopfumfang:  ca 56 cm

Garnreste für 1 Blume:

25 g Mohair oder Angora Garn, ca 275 m/25 g
10 g gemischte Qualität, ca180 m/50 g

Blumen-Webrahmen, stumpfe Sticknadel


Für die Verbindung der Blumen und das gestrickte Band:

50 g gemischte Qualität, ca 150 m/50 g

Häkelnadel Nr 3
Rundstricknadel Nr 3, 40 cm lang


Die komplette Anleitung mit Häkelmuster, Fotos und Blumenschema gibt es unter diesem Link:


Model:  J. Magdalena
The design and instruction are only for private use.

 All rights reserved.

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