
Mosaic Flower Pot

Mosaic Flower Pot

Various Flower Pots

Material for 1:

1 Flower Pot
1 Charger Plate
Various Tiles
Tile Glue
Grout powder in white or another color
Golden paint
Transparant paint

Prepare pot, charger plate, and tiles.

Smash tiles with a hammer, use a wood board for working.

Make small heaps of different colors.

Prepare tile glue (I always use white one, because I often work with white marble, grey glue is much cheaper !).
Put tile glue on the pot --> foto.

Now start arranging tile pieces on the pot - work fast because tile glue is dry in a few minutes.

Pass tile glue also on charger plate.

Fix tile pieces.

Mix grout powder with water and cover arranged tiles with it.

Let it dry a few minutes.

Use a kitchen sponge and luke warm water for removing the grout from the tile pices.

Work flower pot in same sequence.

Finally paint edge of flpower pot and charger plate in gold color.
Use transparent painting for flower pot inside. (it prevents flower pot of reacting with water, when you pour the flower.

Make different ones, use various grouting colours.

Enoy your new flower pots !

Mosaic Flower Pot

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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