
Christmas 2016 - Jeans fantasy birdies

Jeans fantasy birdies, 11 cm (4 1/2") + feathers

 Material for 1 birdy:

Jeans fabric, 12 x 12 cm (4 3/4" x 4 3/4")...(I used old jeans)
Interfacing, 12 x 12 cm
(4 3/4" x 4 3/4")
Small pieces of felt, red and yellow
2 beads or pearls or buttons
Hemp twine, 20 cm (7 3/4")
Gold metallic thread
Polyester thread 

Prepare the stencil.

Iron on the interfacing on jeans fabric. Draw the body of the birdy and cut it out. Do the same with the wings - of red felt.

Place wing on the body of the birdy and sew it, use the  metallic thread.

Cut out the beak of yellow felt, fold it and sew it --> foto. Use polyester thread.

After having finished both body parts of the birdy,  join them together, insert the beak, feathers and hemp twine (for the feet) and clip it.

Then sew around, use polyester thread.

Now sew on a bead or pearl or button on each side = eye.
Make a knot on each hemp twine leg.

And make a birdy swarm for your Christmas Tree !

The design and instruction are only for private use.
All rights reserved.

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