
Beach towel with storage space

Beach towel with storage space, size 60 x 40 cm and 25 x 20 cm


  • 1 Beach towel, 80 x 160 cm
  • Polyester fabric, app. 100 x 160 cm
  • 1 Zipper, 60 cm
  • 1 Zipper, 22 cm
  • Polyester thread for sewing.


Start with the smaller pocket bag. Take a fabric piece, 45 x 25 cm fold it, make a seam with the overlock or zigzag stitch around and sew on the 22 cm - zipper --> foto. Then fold the fabric for the larger pocket bag (85 x 65 cm) and sew on the smaller pocket bag on it.

Prepare also a zipper pocket bag from the larger fabric and pin it on the backside of the towel near the upper edge. Then sew it on.
See also my tutorial for a zipper pocket bag:

Now you have a useful beach towel for all your clothes, sunglasses, books,...

T-Shirt & Shorts by Atelier Jutta Maria Guerth

Store your shorts and T-shirts in the towel bag -

Cotton dress and bracelets by Atelier Jutta Maria Guerth

- and use it as a cushion for a little rest.

Enjoy your holidays !

Model: Jessica Magdalena
The design and instruction are only for private use.


  1. That's so cool!. I have listed some Polypropylene Fiber Manufactures for getting polyester fabric to make this kind of things. Thanks foe this new idea. Keep exploring.

  2. Thanks very much for your comments ! Kind regards from Jutta


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