
Little bags for an external battery charger for cell phones

Little leather bag, size 6 x 18 cm
Little neopren bag, size 7 x 18,5 cm

Material for leather bag:
  • Leather piece, 15 x 50 cm
  • Velcro band, hook and loop, 2 x 5 cm
  • Interfacing material, 5 x 10 cm
  • Polyester thread

Material for neopren (synthetic polymer) bag:

  • Neopren fabric, 9 x 45 cm
  • Foam material,  9 x 45 cm
  • Small ribbon, 40 cm
  • Bias binding, 3 x 45 cm
  • Polyester thread

Instruction for leather bag:

Cut out a leather piece 13 x 25 cm for main bag and 13 x 13 cm for backside bag. Make a seam on upper and lower edges, use polyester thread.

For the flaps cut out app. 4 x 4,5 cm, 4 pieces. On reverse side iron on the interfacing material. Then sew on the flaps on the upper edges of main and backside bag. Open the main bag flap and sew on a  2 x 2 cm piece of velcro band (loop). On the backside bag you can sew on a smaller velcro, maybe    1 x 3 cm. Then close the flaps with a seam around.

Now sew on the loop of the velcro band on the lower edge of both bags.

Close the side seams of the backside bag and sew it on the back of the main bag -- foto. Then close the sides of the main bag, but leave about 2 cm open on the left side of the bag. --> the cable of the external battery charger goes through the opening.

Finished bag - view from above.

Make a few bags in different colours.

Instruction for the neopren bag:

Put the foam material on the reverse side of the neopren fabric.

Make a few seams to connect the the foam material and the neopren properly.

Fold the small edges to the back an sew on a ribbon (also on reverse side).

Then close the side seams and sew on the bias binding on left and right side.

Takes time, but would be also nice for a present.

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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