
Key fob with crochet flower and dorset element

Key Fobs, 18 cm


  • Carabiner hook
  • Chain (could be different pieces)
  • Old buttons
  • Beads
  • Acrylic stones
  • Metal ring, rectangular
  • Cotton yarn
  • Ballpoint needle
  • Polyester thread
  • Wool leftovers
  • Crochet hook, size 3 
  • Small pliers


Start with the dorset element: cover the rectangular metal ring with cottton yarn - use the ballpoint needle.

After you have done the complete ring, make some stitches from one side to the other, like a net.
You will need this for sewing on the acrylic stones.

For the crochet flower start with 6 ch, close to a ring. Then into the ring:
1 ch, 2 tr, 1 dtr, 2 tr, 1 sl st - repeat this 4 x --> you will have 5 petals.

Fix short pieces of chains on the carabiner hook with the pliers and on the chains secure several items, like beads, buttons,...crochet flower and the dorset element.

Make various fobs for your handbags.

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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