
Napkin Rings for Valentine´s Day

Napkin rings for Valentine`s Day


  • Felt, red colour, 15 x 30 cm
  • Interfacing, 15 x 30 cm
  • Elastic band, red colour, 1 m  (2 - 3 cm width)
  • Polyester thread
  • Paper for printer
  • Glue


Iron the felt, fold it, draw the hearts on the felt.

 Iron on the interfacing. Then sew along the line of the hearts.

Then cut out the hearts.
For each napkin ring you need an elastic band of about 16 cm length.

 Close the ring and sew it with zigzag stitch --> foto.

 Print the writings (Stencil) , cut out the rectangle and sew it on the heart --> foto.

 Glue the heart on top of the ring.


Sweety      Angel       Puppy       Tiger   

Darling       Hottie

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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