
It`s winter now - Knit covers for cozy warming bottles

Cozy warming bottles, size 20 x 33 cm

Material for the blue cozy warming bottle

  • 100 g yarn (Alpaca or wool or mixed fibre) or wool leftovers (100 m / 50 g)
  • Knitting needle, size 3,5
  • Circular knitting needle, size 3,5
  • Wool yarn for the embroidery (I used tapestry wool)
  • Ballpoint needle

You will find a free pdf under this link:

Print the writings for the embroidery. Pin the paper with the writing on the front side of the cozy warming bottle and sew along the line with the ballpoint needle and wool yarn. Then tear off the paper carefully and stitch another time the whole writing.

White and apricot cozy warming bottle

100 g wool yarn (140 m/50 g), other material same as blue cozy warming bottle.

Cast on 92 sts, work 24 rows in rib (Chart 1).
50 rows in stocking st.
10 rows casting off (Chart 2) à 52 st left.
26 rows in rib (Chart 1).
Cast off and embroider like blue cozy warming bottle.

Material für die blaue Wärmflasche:

  • 100 g Wolle (Alpaca oder Wolle oder gemischte Faser) oder Wollreste (100 m/50g)
  • Stricknadel Nr. 3,5
  • Rundstricknadel Nr. 3,5
  • Wolle für die Stickerei (Gobelinwolle)
  • Stumpfe Sticknadel

Das kostenlose Strickmuster gibt es unter diesem Link:

Weiße und apricot Wärmeflasche:

100 g Wolle (140 m / 50 g), anderes Material wie bei blauer Wärmflasche.

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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