Crochet a few doilies and arrange them nicely.
- Lace cotton yarn number 20 - about 200 grs. in yellow colour.
- Crochet hook number 1,00 or 1,25
- Polyester thread
Doily 1:
Doily 2:
Doily 3:
Doily 4:
Doily 5:
Doily 6:
Doily 7:
Doily 8:
Doily 9:
Doily 10:
Doily 11:
Doily 12:
Doily 13:
For doily 14 and 15 I have no chart but they are easy to crochet without pattern.
Doily 14:

Doily 15:
When you have been finished all doiles iron each - tear it to the desired size, then arrange the doilies nicely on the floor (it is easier --> nothing slips away).
Fix all the doilies together with small stitches, use polyester thread in the colour of your doilies. Then iron the work carefully.
Enjoy your coffee !
The design and instruction are only for private use.
The charts are from different pages of the internet.
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